Write-A-Gift LaunchPad



Gift-Writing Mastery: A Course in Personalized Gifting. 

Write gifts that will be cherished long after others are forgotten, so that you bring joy to every gift-giving occasion

Holiday sale price expires the end of January 2025.  Course price $179.00 discounted to $139 as a part of our new beginnings course sale.  This is the year you start and complete meaningful projects to show love and build a lasting legacy. 

Create a gift in1 hour or a family stories book in a weekend. You will find limitless  possibilities to bring joy to those you love. The Write-a-Gift framework inspires, teaches, and supports you to transform words and ideas into physical manifestations of caring so that your gifts are remembered and cherished for years to come. You'll become a master of thoughtful gift-giving. Find access to free tech, samples, templates and more. If you are a professional writer or new to sharing your writing, you can turn words into great gifts without getting hung up on tech or presentation issues.  

Welcome to Write a gift

How Wonderful Would It Be to....

  • Use your appreciation for others and your words to create cherished gifts that don't cost a fortune and never end up in the yard sale or the back of the closet.
  • Create without running out of ideas for years of gift-giving.
  • Find free tech to help you create gifts and get over-the-shoulder-type instruction, so you know how to present the gifts.
  • Work with your family or groups to preserve stories, memories, photos, recipes and more to establish and preserve the legacies and lessons of your family or group.
  • Share your memoir, so your life and learned wisdom has a life of its own.
  • Personalize baby and children's books to delight the little ones in your life.

You've got a gift list with at least one name, maybe dozens, and you understand the special qualities behind each name.  Give gifts as special as the people on your list.  Write gifts of words without ever getting stuck for ideas or getting hung up on tech issues.  Dozens of different types of gifts and hundreds of gift iterations will inspire you. You are willing to do the work, but you need a guide. 

Write-a-gift Framework makes others happy

Start Creating Gifts Today

Unlock the power of words and transform your gift-giving experience with our Write-a-Gift Launchpad course, available exclusively on JWP Courses. This comprehensive course empowers you to create personalized, meaningful gifts that will be cherished for a lifetime.

🎁 What You'll Gain:

  • Over 30 instructional videos: Dive deep into the art of gift-writing with our expert guidance.
  • 15+ sample projects: Get inspired with hands-on examples to kickstart your creativity.
  • Canva instruction: Learn how to design your gifts beautifully, adding an artistic flair to your heartfelt messages.
  • Six reference e-books: Gain access to a wealth of knowledge and insights on crafting unforgettable gifts.
  • For a limited time: three resources to unlock and organize your creativity.
  • And much more: Our course is packed with tools and resources to make your gift-writing journey a breeze.

Write -A-Gift Launchpad Inspires and Instructs


Safe and Secure Content Delivery and Payment

We use established platforms like Learndash, MS Office, BookFunnel, Stripe, and Paypal to deliver and transact our courses. We never see your payment information. 


Samples and Templates

You'll watch as we download and save samples and templates, so you will learn how to personalize and make your own projects. The primary source of our graphic design is Canva, but you will also see applications in MS Office, and we'll point you to ways to use them for no additional cost.   This work can be completed on a computer or tablet. 


Downloadable Ebooks

Oh my, you won't believe the value here.  The resources here are too much for our website platform to hold, so we will deliver some of the resources via BookFunnel.  You can read them on your phone, tablet, or computer. Find memoir interview books,  hundreds of greeting card sample text for you to personalize, a Canva guide and much more. 


Some of the Numbers


  • 30 Instructional videos (from less than a minute to 25 minutes) This isn't a writing course, but you will find one writing lesson with a helpful example broken down so you understand how to write a true or fictional story.  You'll also find two sample storybooks for kids you can personalize. 
  • 15  Project Samples/Templates, which serve as inspiration for thousands of iterations.
  • 6  Reference and Resource Ebooks
  • 4 PDF Downloads

Additionally, you find inspiration for projects that can take less than an hour and for big projects you want to invest time in. 


Gifts for All Occasions

You'll be inspired to give gifts for every stage of life and beyond.  Create a personalized baby book or give the final gift of a beautiful eulogy to celebrate a life.  Collect family stories because if you don't, they will be lost. Share the recipes you make for family holidays and give them as a wedding present.  Celebrate a name on a framed plaque that captures the special qualities of your loved one.  Create anniversary remembrance. Tell your valentine not only that you love them, buy why you do.  Ask all the young cousins to each write a few family stories, pair them with photos, and print copies for the grandparent's holiday gift...and so much more. 


Course Modules and Lessons

M1 Welcome to Getting Started With Write-A-Gift Launchpad
6 Lessons
M2 Books and Booklets
10 Lessons
M3 Lists, Tributes, and Broadsides
4 Lessons
M4 Cards, Newsletters, and a Treasury of Additional Ideas
3 Lessons
M5 Organization and Creativity
3 Lessons

Modules Sneak Peek

Write-A-Gift Launchpad Module One Banner
Write-A-Gift Launchpad module 2
module3 banner
M 4Write a gift Banners

Hi, I'm Amy Lou Jenkins, the Creator of Write-A-Gift Launchpad

Amy Lou Jenkins Creator of Write-A-Gift LaunchPad

My third-grade teacher held my paper in her hand and announced to the class "Amy is going to be a writer." That might have been the first time I felt someone valued my words.  I didn't think of myself as a writer for a long time.  But eventually; I  earned a Nursing degree with a minor in professional communication and then an MFA in literature and writing. With the support of teachers and mentors, I published articles, books, reviews, essays, and stories; and taught writing in Community colleges, Universities, and workshops (online and in person). I've won dozens of writing awards and published hundreds of projects.

Yet long before I published my first book, I saw the value in words and used them to memorialize and honor people and ideas.

  • The photo of an old woman sitting on the running board of a roadster might get tossed.  But add the details that this was the first car owned in the county and the story about that woman who served as a midwife to hundreds and delivered your grandfather, and that photo becomes treasured family history.
  • Framing a plaque for a child that celebrates the 15 reasons they are loveable brings joy for decades.
  • Collecting family recipes and the stories that accompany them creates a digital heirloom that gets printed every time another generation sets up a household.

While developing my writing career, I've been creating small and big projects to celebrate friends, families, and connections.

And that's why I developed the Write-a-Gift Launchpad, so that words, stories, ideas, and relationships can be the centerpiece of gift-giving. And I wanted to share these launchpad ideas and lessons with others, even if they don't consider themselves writers. Few people will become literary stars, but anyone with basic computer, tablet, or even handwriting skills can do this with me.

Write a gift Launchpad Course
Ladies wonder about Write-a-gift launchpad


Important Questions and Answers About Write-A-Gift Launchpad.

Questions and ANswers for Write a gift Launchpad

What Resources do I need to Take the Course?

While handwritten gifts are awesome, you'll have many more options if you have access to a computer tablet, and printer.  The Canva demonstrations are presented on the desktop version of Canva, but the tablet app is similar. You'll need to be able to open PDF files In Bookfunnel and Adobe. We'll give you the links to these free resources.  We also use some MS Office applications, and we give you a link to the free online version.

Can I Get a Refund?

This course offers dozens and dozens of downloadable resources that course members have access to as soon as they sign in. Unfortunately, the segment of people who download and then ask for a refund would push up the price of the course for everyone. We don't give refunds for delivered courses, yet we aim to please you.  You will have access to the updates and we will respond to your learning needs.  We will even record new videos to address concerns.  


I read several course guarantees and found them to offer a refund if the specific issue the student had a problem with wasn't addressed, or other language that basically meant that refunds were not happening. I chose to be honest and direct and just say, No. 

What if I'm Not a Techie?

I get it: I'm not a techie either!  That's why we use commonly used resources and show you how to download and individualize the samples.  We also partnered with Bookfunnel which provides customer service if you have problems downloading your reference books.  They even have an app, so you can refer to the reference books on your phone or tablet while you work on your computer.

Will I Have to Pay For Additional Resources?

The projects in the course can all be completed with free versions of software. You will have paper, printing, and supply costs based on how you choose to present your gifts. 

Can I sell What I Make?

No. The samples and resources in this book are not licensed for resale.  Use them over and over for personal gift-giving. 

Is this a Writing Course?

No. We do include a lesson on story-telling where we not only write a family memoir story, we read it and explain all the parts, for those who are new to understading story. Explore our Complete Memoir Course for  study and support related to writing  publishable personal narratives

What is in the Course?

Unlock the power of words and transform your gift-giving experience with our Write-a-Gift Launchpad course, available exclusively on JWP Courses. This comprehensive course empowers you to create personalized, meaningful gifts that will be cherished for a lifetime.

🎁 What You'll Gain:

  • Over 30 instructional videos: Dive deep into the art of gift-writing with our expert guidance.
  • 15 sample projects: Get inspired with hands-on examples to kickstart your creativity.
  • Canva instruction: Learn how to beautifully design your gifts, adding an artistic flair to your heartfelt messages.
  • Six reference e-books: Gain access to a wealth of knowledge and insights on crafting unforgettable gifts.
  • And much more: Our course is packed with tools and resources to make your gift-writing journey a breeze.
TESTIMONIALS from Gift Givers who took the Write-A-Gift Launchpad Course

Join Other Course Members

Grandmother with baby

The first project I made after finishing the lessons was a Goodnight Sophia personalized book.  I read it to her when she spends the night.  I can't wait to begin another project. These really are gifts of love. 




recipe book from Write-A-Gift launchpad

 I spent an afternoon going thorough the lessons and figured I could be in charge of collecting family recipes for a gift for my children who are grown and  near grown. It's so much more though, thanks to the ideas and specific lessons.  Now we have recipes, pictures and family history in a book.  Once I had the recipes and pictures, I put it together in a weekend. and I'd never done anything like this. Great course.  Now my wife is making name signs to frame  for the first grandchild.




Turn Words into Gifts

Write-A-Gift Launchpad teaches Gift-Writing Mastery,  A Course in Personalized Gifting Based on Writing. 

Write gifts that will be cherished long after others are forgotten.